Di jaman serba susah seperti sekarang ini, apapun yang ada di sekitar kita pasti akan muncul sebuah peluang bisnis jika ada kemauan yang kuat. Termasuk bisnis cuci motor. Eits!! jangan Anda anggap remeh bisnis yang satu ini, uang akan terus mengalir karena pelanggan yang datang tidak akan 'putus mata rantainya'.
Bisnis ini hanya membutuhkan modal sedikit dan pengelolaan yang tidak rumit. Apalagi jika Anda mempunyai tempat sendiri atau kerja sama dengan pemilik tempat melalui sistem bagi hasil.
Pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang dibutuhkan
1. Standar kebersihan motor dan cara membersihkannya.
2. Mesin kendaraan bermotor (jangan sampai karena ketidaktahuan,mesin motor malah rusak karena terkena air).
3. Pembukuan sederhana, menyangkut pencatatan modal awal, operasional bulanan, dan pendapatan.
4. Akses untuk mendapatkan tenaga yang bisa membantu membersihkan motor.
Modal yang diperlukan
1. Tempat dengan luas minimal 12 meter persegi untuk 2-3 motor.
2. Dana sekitar Rp.5.000.000,-.
Modal diperlukan untuk membeli pompa air, kompresor, dan peralatan cuci, seperti sabun, sampo motor, sikat, kain lap (kanebo), dan pengkilap cat motor. Modal ini termasuk untuk perbaikan tempat sesuai dengan kebutuhan, seperti kran dan saluran air.
3. Tenaga kerja, 2-3 orang, untuk mencuci motor (salah satu merangkap sebagai tenaga kerja administrasi).
Jika makin banyak pengguna jasa yang datang, jumlah tenaga kerja bisa ditambah.
Kiat menjalankan usaha
1. Cari lokasi usaha yang banyak kendaraan bermotor. Pertimbangkan persaingan dan lingkungan yang banyak penduduk.
2. Mencari dan melatih tenaga kerja tentang cara dan standar kebersihan dalam mencuci sepeda motor sampai menyemir ban. Pilih pekerja yang mau bekerja keras dan tidak malas.
Gaji mereka berdasarkan jumlah motor yang dicuci. Ini dapat merangsang mereka agar giat bekerja dan mengurangi resiko jika jumlah konsumen sedikit.
3. Latih tenaga kerja tersebut cara melayani dan berhubungan dengan konsumen.
4. Tentukan harga cuci sepeda motor. Biasanya harga berkisar Rp. 4.500,- - Rp. 6.000,-. Penentuan harga tergantung dari potensi pengguna jasa dan pelayanan yang ANda tawarkan. Misalnya, menambah dengan menyemir ban.
5. Administrasi yang rapi, yaitu mencatat setiap pengeluaran (listrik, air, gaji pegawai, iuran warga) dan pemasukan. Berikan kwitansi pada setiap konsumen yang mencuci motornya di tempat Anda.
Peluang usaha yang bisa anda gabungkan dengan usaha ini
Tentunya Anda ingin usaha ini berkembang besar bukan?? Anda bisa melirik bisnis lain yang bisa Anda jadikan satu di bisnis cuci motor ini, tentunya yang masih sejalan. Diantaranya :
1. Menjual peralatan mencuci motor, seperti sabun motor.
2. Menjual aksesori motor, seperti helm, stiker, dan lampu spion.
3. Menyediakan jasa ganti oli dan perawatan mesin motor lainnya.
4. Menjual motor second.
Bahkan jika Anda memiliki modal lebih, Anda bisa menambah jasa untuk cuci mobil beserta asesorisnya.
sumber :peluangusaha
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Rabu, 23 Desember 2009
Rabu, 25 November 2009
Lowongan Operator mesin cetak plastik
HUB : ANDI FLEXY : 021 70972114 HP : 081513300650
Senin, 28 September 2009
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Semoga Berhasil
Sabtu, 19 September 2009
Ebook Cara Membangun Pasif Income
Pada kesempatan ini saya mencoba memberikan Ebook Gratis tentang Cara Membangun Pasif Income . Semoga bermanfaat bagi anda Ebook gratis
Kamis, 17 September 2009
Ebook FREE success in 10 steps
Today I want to share Ebook succsess in 10 steps. hopefully helpful . download here
Sabtu, 12 September 2009
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Rabu, 09 September 2009
Graphic Design
Graphic Design
The development of the advertising world today is very fast at all. But the lack of expertise in graphic design is much less so. This business is very promising at all. To dive in this area you are required to master various types of programs make a design from Photoshop, CorelDraw to edit videos and other related advertising. and in addition you have a soul also required a high art, resulting in the creation of a good design creative and interesting
The development of the advertising world today is very fast at all. But the lack of expertise in graphic design is much less so. This business is very promising at all. To dive in this area you are required to master various types of programs make a design from Photoshop, CorelDraw to edit videos and other related advertising. and in addition you have a soul also required a high art, resulting in the creation of a good design creative and interesting
Kamis, 03 September 2009
Plastic Printing
Current usage and the need for packaging is very important for the continuity of life of a business. Opening plastic packaging printing business is a very good prospect for now. To launch this effort first we will know the types of plastics, such as PP, OPP, HD, PVC, PE, and others. In the world of plastic printing, there are two alternative business options. Is printed manual (hand printing) and print using the machine, also called by the name Rothogravure. On this occasion I will discuss the manual plastic printing
The equipment necessary facilities for this effort is as follows
1. screen, is as a container to create images that will be printed on the plastic.
2. Rakel or rubber rake, as a tool to flatten the screen printing ink.
3. diluent oil, as the ink diluent compound.
4. Drug emulsion mold makers, mold makers as medicine.
5. Shelves, as a container to put plastics results that have been printed.
6. Print table, as a place or a process to put a screen printing and materials will be printed.
7. Printing ink consisting of a variety of colors.
8. Hair Dryer, used to dry during afdruk process.
and the most important thing is, human resources or the skilled pressman to print. To open this business, the necessary capital is not too large, if you want to do on a small scale first. If you are interested in this business you can ask me more. Because I was the perpetrator of this business. And the main thing in this business once the order is an order that the lifeblood of this business.
The equipment necessary facilities for this effort is as follows
1. screen, is as a container to create images that will be printed on the plastic.
2. Rakel or rubber rake, as a tool to flatten the screen printing ink.
3. diluent oil, as the ink diluent compound.
4. Drug emulsion mold makers, mold makers as medicine.
5. Shelves, as a container to put plastics results that have been printed.
6. Print table, as a place or a process to put a screen printing and materials will be printed.
7. Printing ink consisting of a variety of colors.
8. Hair Dryer, used to dry during afdruk process.
and the most important thing is, human resources or the skilled pressman to print. To open this business, the necessary capital is not too large, if you want to do on a small scale first. If you are interested in this business you can ask me more. Because I was the perpetrator of this business. And the main thing in this business once the order is an order that the lifeblood of this business.
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